ni hao ma?
Monday, 7 December 2009, 17:54
This post wont include deep English to relieve those from their Dictionary and so it shall limit down to a simple conjecturable English. Maybe I'll try off Singlish.

A few days back,
-Luna and
~Karina-VE~ went on a kicking massacre . Kicking the inactive ones ofcorz, those that joined and disappeared for a mere 2 months plus. And then we recruited players, three new ones joined over. So welcome aboard
MinniE_PinK and
BUGSBUNNYx-. A few updates on other members that joined not long ago for the MIA-ed members are
~xMISSyoU and

Getting to know each other.
-BABYCHIPS- is my meimei guys, for your information ^^

This is Vina.

Our two taggers. Wow.
And speaking of 'MIA' (Missing-in-action), one of our member MIA-ed and came back FAT!
xREIKE~ !!!!! What happened to you !!!! You're all swollen !!!! You keep missing FMs and CFMs.

Last time we were all Pumpkins, now Snowmans??

Dont disappear of like that, who knows the next time you try to log in you might be too fat to even enter AuditionSEA.

Anyway, for our new familys. I'll update you abit on our frequent members and our daily life as InsanitoriuM.
You have
-Luna, your beloved bigboss. She's married to
BearBo. Then you have the super loud idiots
Fluxjedi and
Ve~~U~. Always insulting and always getting on everybodys nerves. If you see heated arguments in FAM chat, dont worry. It's veryy veryy veryy veryy typically normal. Then you have
-Aiko- your Jr who is always serious with things but in a cute way.
~Karina-VE~ and
--FR-x are your Jrs as well and they are chattable and friendly and always love to play with you guys. This two will always remind you to mark attendance and pull you over to FAM Channel. Then you have
xStrawBerry who is from KL and always quiet, emo emoo.
snow_flakez is very quiet as well but will always reply when you call her.
Naijiz a singaporean trying hard to learn indonesian language.
~X-InZ-Ane-3, and
-Jive are the tough ones. A victory over them aint no easy task.
inzzD_Lin our crossdresser and loves everybody including me ;make.
BabyYummy, who is pro in English.
Then you have me,
RichCOKER who isnt loved. Maybe only loved by
born2belove, my couple. =p
-Jive all went back to Indonesia so they seldom online. But after holidays they'll be back at Singapore.
Anymore questions? =p Did I miss out?