Sunday, 10 January 2010, 02:26
It seems like this blogs has turned into RichCoker's personal blog, 99.9% of the posts published are his.
How saddening is that? We don't have committed enough members as to extract only 5 minutes of their daily lives to show some love for this blog.
Hey, I know I'm not the very best example, but I do posts sometimes AND I have my own blog to manage. What's your excuse?
Anyway, I blogged to voice out my many thoughts about several members that had showed simply zero interest in the family well-being.
As you all know, with the start of the new year 2010, most of the members who are not citizens of Singapore had return back to the holy grounds of Singapore, from which ever part of the world they are in. Be it Indonesia, Thailand, China, Myanmmar...... and the list rolls on.
Hence, the commence of Fam Channel (FC) spammage.
Why is it that I do not see any committed members tagging in the channel?
Why is it that the JR's, Master and only a handful of loyal members had to beg the rest of the irresponsible members to come to the rented channel?
Do you not have any shame? To be treated like tied-up horses, only moving when being whipped in the ass.
When you, yes you, were the ones that moaned and whined for ~Karina-VE~ to hurry her return to Singapore to rent channels.
And the rest of you, who're sitting stiffly behind your computer thinking ' I didn't ask for any rented channels, so I am not at fault. ' You should be the most ashamed!
Not caring for the Family's hard earned rank, by sacrificing many many months of insomniatic nights, many many nights of cold-numbed fingers and bloody-shot eyes.
Do you think our FAM is the only FAM that wants to be in the top 20?
Tough luck, everyone's as greedy as we are, if not MORE. And unless you want us to be number 1, then continue to be lazy little dickfaces and go onto other channels when we have our own rented channel.
And then of course, we Insanitoriumers do not tolerate those kind of lazyasses, do we? Nopeee. So then dearest Lazyass, you'll get your little sorry ass pretty much kicked out of FAM *smiles*.
Goodluck to you to finding a FAM that has just a miniscule fraction of the amount of awesomeness that InsanitoriuM possesses.
I have alot more complaints to file, but it's freakin' 4:27AM in the morning. And I have a shitload of things to do tomorrow, so I shall continue my rants another time.
Oh yea, before I forgot. RichCoker, please do inform the Master of MerritoriuM that unless he wants to be a sub FAM for our FAM(Sub FAM meaning, what's theirs(fp) is ours, what's ours is also ours and not theirs. Sad shit, I know.) he should really think of changing his FAM name.
And no, we do not want any Ally. Ally are for wusses, and we InsanitoriuMers ain't no wuss! LOL.
I think -Luna and me, BabyYummy had made it clear in the InsanitoriuM facebook as well as at the Bulleting Board.
Yea, yea, I'm a selfish bitch. So what? Deallllllllllllllll bitch! :D
Signing out,