Just for laughs
Tuesday, 9 February 2010, 19:07
Some pictures I found after excessive blog hopping last night to hopefully make your day a little brighter today (:
Cartoon 1
I get this all the time .
No kidding -_-
Chandler : We have to do something huge !
Joey : We could climb Mount Everest .
Chandler : Not something stupid . Something huge !
I don't know why is Tobey Maguire there , but the last picture totally made me ROFL .
A&B : Rock, Paper, Scissors, shoot !
A : -Rock-
B: -Scissors-
A: Ha! Rock beats Scissors .
B: Huh? .. Wait . What's that ? Scissors is evolving ?
B: Dun dun dun dun dun dun dun da-da-da-dun dun dun dun dun dun da-da-da-dum !
B: Congratulations, your scissors have evolved into Rock .. Crushing .. Device .
B: Ha . I win . :D
A: -smacks B-
" Cause when I'm with him , I am thinking of you ~ "
Thinking of you - Katy Perry
Mustard or Ketchup ? :o
Goes out to all FB-holics , hehe .
I'll post some more next time -winkwink-
but this is it for now .
Gotta run and bathe and eat , yumyum .
Awww, don't cry .
I'll be back to post okay ? -cross my heart-
Have a pleasant evening , ya'll .
Much love ,