bask bask
Monday, 7 December 2009, 20:01
And behold players, to bask in the turbulence of RichCOKERs magnificence.
As usual, everybody who sees me showers vulgars at me. Then I comeback "dont be lame, noobish kids" and they all wanted a piece of me. This was me, going againts -HaruHaru- FAM. In observation slot all of them are -HaruHaru- members, dont ask me that guy with the IGN of emoticons. He used a code for that.
The first part of this game, I was entertaining them by chatting. But after I got CFM on this song and started to chiong seriously, that player started to accuse me of hacking AutoArrow or Perfect on and off hack.
Anyway I managed to save this down.
Okays I shall stop my spree-ing of posts. Enjoy reading. Till then, RichCOKER. Im sorry BabyYummy but your cool post is shoved all the way to the bottom of this page. Hahahaha.