Suggestions ~
Monday, 14 December 2009, 17:08


I'd cropped out every single emoticons so as to use them for every posts I do

Alright, lets get to the main point.
I'd some suggestions in my brain for quite a while, and -Jive, RichCOKER suggested me to post in this blog.
I was thinking..

To make joining this fam more interesting & fun,
why not we make an acc, (only 1 or 2 knows the acc id),
and every member buy 1 10k prepaid each year,
give the code to the ( 1/2 ) people,
and top in tht account.
&Then, let the jrs/members/master planned events and the winners get prizes (cash).
Not all the cash but like 3k, 5k? Its cash items ~
But the things to think about now is ..
-Who is trustworthy enough to be in charge of the cash?
-Do your vote for this idea?
-Are your willing to buy one 10k prepaid once a year for the fam?
-Do your trust the fam well enough?
Well, all these shall goes to the voting part.
I would request -Jive to put this on the voting part and let it decide.
Precise details MAY be post after the voting ends.
Stay tune and byeeeee

Yours Truly,
xREIKE~ ^-^