Fluxjedi updates!
Saturday, 30 January 2010, 13:00
Seem like InsanitoriuM blog kinda dead, I'll update a quick short post.

Don't laugh. She's everywhere now. Beware..
Anyway, Our fam master, -Luna and Bearbo invited us to join their LoveParty.
Here is the video. -Luna and Bearbo LoveParty.
Next, we got inzzD_Lin and Skyline_GTR LoveParty as well.
Also, ---xRai and ---FR-x Wedding!
After ---xRai and ---FR-x wedding, next is Chensz and Cathsz LoveParty!
And last but not least, ---xRai and ---FR-x LoveParty.
Oh, and my wedding. Sadly I didn't take any video's of my wedding cuz kinda lag if I do that. Don't worry, I'll post on the next updates.
That all for now.
Fluxjedi; Busy busy! Back to my work. Sob Sob.