Sunday, 10 January 2010, 21:55
Jive here. :D I'm going to share another boring post of mine. :\
Here's the thing, today outing was ''awesome''(Californians love to say that word - knew it from a trainer)
Thanks for coming ~Karina-VE~, -FR-x, -Aiko-, InzzD_Lin, RichCOKER, Fluxjedi, Rikku.. :]
[ COKE, i hope u'll post something abt today's outing. :\ ]
Ehem.. Now, InsanitoriuM.. :)
Nice Job everyone,, our FAM bank is now arnd 130m. :O
Now attendance, I like to share what's my timing for today's attendance. :] Here you go.
hohohoo :)
Next is the picture of my AUDI MESSENGER. :O
The ''GTFOs People".. :|
ckckck.. GET THE FCK OUT OF ...... lolol. nice one. :\