Saturday, 30 January 2010, 16:21
Oh god, so it's not over yet? TM-ers have better perserverances than I thought. But as if that'd help in this situation. *frowns*
Apperantly, none of the flamers actually UNDERSTOOD what I've typed in my previous post (It's okay, I excuse you for your lack of IQ). And yet they kept rattling on and on and on about their obviously pathetic reasons and POVs (This however, is punishable).
Did I not make myself clear the other time? Blah. Looks like all my audience is pretty much the whole population of "The slows". So I guess I'll say it again.
RichCOKER = dick/irritant/jerk & etc.
I hope this big fat RED phrase is finally keyed into your thick skull now.
But no, not so fast now, slow down your horses of commencing to troll and bitch on our poor FAM's tagboard....
Here's the catch; He doesn't care that he's a dick to you, to me, or to anyone else for this matter. He's just a dick, and that's it.
Quit bitching on and saying we should give a shit about everyone's opinions about RichCOKER, because we know. But we don't need to be told that EVERY SINGLE DAY of our lives.
We experience is FIRST HAND everyday. You don't see us bitching and whining about it everyday, do you?
Why? Simple explaination. We're not a drama momma like all of you are but did not claim to be.
You claim to be righteous and full of justice, oh blah blah blah *rolls eyes*.... RIGHTEOUS MY FOOT.
You just want to be looked upon as a more superior being. And because you can't obtain that any other way, you resort to pushing people down by pin-pointing every miniscule detail a person lacks
And the world says Noone is perfect, why should RichCOKER be? His flaw, as you pointed out, is his center-parting-hair. (Desperate much, -KIMIKO? Yes you are).
Which I have to say, is quite so very much lame for you to have pointed it out. Nobody ever pointed out about you being confused about your gender, did they?! (Okay, so now I've pointed out. Oops! Total bitch moment *snorts*)
Again, you may go on about, how RichCOKER pointing that out for you and so you're liscensed to bitch.
No, that's where you're wrong. And that's where I'll be telling you again that RichCOKER is just being a dick, which equals to RichCOKER is just being RichCOKER.
Which also means, round and round it goes, you're still at fault about being sensitive about it. :D
Can't take his shit? Simple. IGNORE HIM.
There's no need to resort to being a total dick, because RichCOKER will still pwn you in that category too.
I know, huh? Life sucks. Oh well, for you it does. Life's pretty peachy for us, if you ask me. *Hums a melody to piss everyone off* :D
Sigh, all the people that's been backing up the TM-ers are just as much of a fool as the TM-ers are. Sad. But it's okay, I'll play along. Let's see, what do I have here.. Hmmm..
Dearest Lawliet, who tried to type like a smartass but still came off pretty retarded if you ask me. Apperantly your POV is pretty messed up.
Because here's what you're saying; Just because everyone hates Coker, it is okay for them to frame him?
(LOL, oh my god, please tell me this is a joke! Okay, after second thoughts, thinking about the lack of IQ my audiences have showed me, I guess you're just one of them.)
Do you find logic in that, seriously? Because I don't.
If that is the case, everyone in this world would be able to get away with murder cases.
I'd jolly well make friends the judge, get him to be on my side, and tell shit about you, bitch about you, moan about you, and then frame you, kill some innocent party.... TA-DAH ! Welcome to your 150 years jail sentence buddy. :D
I salute all those smartasses with ZERO common sense. I guess common sense, is not very common at all. *Shrugs*
I foresee more bitching and moaning to be flooded in either our Tagboard or the TM's. I am, however, not the least surprised. =)
And I can never be more than happy to entertain as well as to induce some of my greater knowledge to the less fortunate of having 100 or less for IQ or EQ.
[Oh yes, just a note before I go, why is it that our haters kept tagging on TM's tagboard and not on ours? Why? DON'T HAVE ENOUGH BALLS IS IT? No balls then don't talk cock lah! Don't dare to tag here then go tag at TM's tagboard. Expect us to check their blog everyday meh? You think InsanitoriuMers so free like those TradeMarkers as to visit other FAM's blog to steal pictures? Sorry hurrrrrr, unlike them we're very busy people. Zhen de mei tou nao, lan de li ni men.]
P/s: Mock at my Final paragraph just cos I typed in Singlish, please! LOL.
Once and again, yours truly, BabyYummy.